Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Follow-up on how to get to the Buchtelite office

Opinion Editor Matt Balsinger explains how babies are born

At the Buchtelite, we have more on our minds than the news.  We also appreciate history and science. :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Buchtelite Office is hard to find

Being in the basement of the Student Union has its perks.  We get to be away from the world, alone with our thoughts and the news.  We have a great space down here, and it's definitely much appreciated.  However, it also has its downsides.

For example, no one knows where we are.  Absolutely no one.  It's like the Isla de la Muerta from the Pirates movies - you can't find our office unless you've already been here, but you can't be here unless you already know where it is.  Just to be clear, we are located in the Student Union basement, room 51-LL, but we can be pretty difficult to find from inside the Union (especially if you aren't familiar with getting to the basement).

For first timers, I suggest the outdoor entrance.  You'll need to call someone inside to let you in, but if you come during our normal office hours, you should be golden!

Have a swell day,


Thursday, November 10, 2011

A closer look at our Arts & Life editor

Here's some more insight into the Buchtelite's Arts & Life editor Heather.  I am obviously her favorite person.

Have a good day!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Heather Beyer, commander of the Arts & Life mothership

Heather Beyer is our Arts & Life editor, and with that job comes great perks.

"[One perk is] getting to work hands on and getting to cover the stories I don't normally get to do," Beyer said.  "Getting to meet Fernando Donvelli from The Houston Chronicle, I thought that was a really amazing experience, and seeing my article posted throughout the theater department is something I'll never forget."

Beyer also enjoys other parts of the job:

"[I love] working with everyone at the office, getting different perspectives, learning different things, getting to do a lot of writing," Beyer said.  "Also, I have a freshman whose doing a lot of photography for me whose blossoming.  I don't have to tell her what to do, just set her loose and she does a great job."

Want to have fun at work like we do?  Write for us!

Have a good day!


Monday, November 7, 2011

Pamela Kellman is: The Copy Chief

Pamela Kellman, our copy chief at the Buchtelite, is not studying journalism.  Our Arts and Life editor isn't either.  Neither are any of our page designers, our web editor, our managing editor, our Opinion editor or our News editor, for that matter.

And yet, Kellman said, we still end up with a very journalistic product.

"I think the quality of the paper we're producing is pretty good for a school that doesn't have a journalism program and a staff that doesn't completely have a background in what we're doing," Kellman said.

A major part of having a good quality newspaper comes from those writing for it.  Although Kellman and others on staff are pretty experienced writers, she would advise anyone considering writing to try it out.

"You've got nothing to lose really," she said.  "It's really whatever time commitment you want to put into it.  Like for me, I'm a literature student, so it's really just a different aspect of writing.  I think we're limited in what we can do with our writers.  It'd be really cool if we got to pay them."

Kellman was also able to list several benefits to being on our staff.

"I feel like I have developed an ability to work under time restrictions and balance multiple aspects of my life," she said.  "And the random dance parties.  Those are always solid.  We also listen to badass music.  I'm also really narcissistic, so I like to see my name in the paper."

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Two Special issues next week for your reading pleasure

Next week, the Buchtelite will be featuring two special issues!

The first is our Pizza Issue on November 8th.  This issue will be 8 pages (a rare commodity these days), and maybe we'll get to unveil a recipe or two.

The second I'm much more excited about.  November 10th is our first tech issue.  This issue is going to really push our ability to write, create and design.  This issue is going to explore technology and electronics with an Akron twist.  Check it out this Thursday!

Have a swell day,


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Carli Molinelli: Professional Page designer

Carli Molinelli understands that success doesn't come from nothing, and that any person who wants to write for the Buchtelite needs to have that same mindset.

"Take the chance," Molinelli said.  "That's how I ended up here.  I took the chance and I got the job, and it's been a great experience.  No matter what you do for us, it's still a great experience."

As a page designer, it's Molinelli's job to make the Buchtelite attracive.

"I'm not a graphic design major, so I have a different viewpoint than our other page designers who are graphic design majors," she said.  "They tend to want to use computer graphics, because that's what they're used to, where I am more in favor of hand drawn."

Molinelli says that she's proud to work for the Buchtelite because we do things in a way that other newspaper don't.

"I think what we're doing well is that we're telling the news the way it's supposed to be told," she said.  "For instance, when the University sent out the emails to only male black students, we were the only paper to print the email along with the article."

Keep coming back for more interviews with the Buchtelite staff!

Have a good day!
