Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Quote of the day

In tomorrow's edition of the Buchtelite we have a story about Mastadon bones that were found in Fairlawn.  These bones are currently displayed in Crouse Hall at the University of Akron.

This is an interesting story.  It was paired with an even more interesting quote:

"Mastadons are like the poor man's dinosaurs.  Dinos became birds and star in awesome movies.  Mastadons just became elephants, which are pretty much the same but without swords attached to their cheeks."

Although this is pretty hilarious, and pretty genius if you ask me, the quote really doesn't fit the story (You can find this particular story on the front page).  Quotes like this do, however, make fantastic blog material.

Have a good day!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Getting the word out

I thought that I would share some of the things we're doing in order to get the word out about the Buchtelite.  We're working hard to make the best quality newspaper we can and we really want to be sure that each and every student has a chance to read it.

First, we are making flyers to put on every bulletin board in every building.  We're also creating a "chalk walk." By following chalk arrows near the union, students will have the opportunity to see where we work (and hopefully stop ignoring that currently inconspicuous basement door on the side of the building).  In this same office we plan on holding writers workshops in the near future.  Hopefully, we can start talking with ZTV and WZIP soon as well!

Got any other ideas?  I know you Public Relations majors have some great ideas in them brains!  We'd love to hear them. :)

Enjoy your day,


Monday, September 26, 2011

The Buchtelite gets a visitor

Today the Buchtelite got a crash course in newspaper editing and design, courtesy of Dr. Val Pipps.  Dr. Pipps' credentials speak for themselves, which include having over 35 years in the newspaper business, being the former editor of the Akron Beacon Journal's, and teaching several relevant courses at the University of Akron.

"I've spent more time in the newsroom than I have in any other place, including my home," Pipps said.

But enough brown-nosing.  We learned a lot from Pipps' visit.  Admittedly I generally find the design of the Buchtelite pretty attractive, but Dr. Pipps made it clear that the beauty is in the details.  For those who do read the paper each issue, try comparing each issue from now on to those in the past.  Design changes will be subtle, but present.

Check it out!  Have a good day!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Sections being added to the Buchtelite

Lately I've heard both in person and through the grapevine that there are certain things that the public think should be added to the Buchtelite.  Because I aim to please, I am proud to be the first to announce that we are introducing a new Horoscope section to the newspaper.  We are also returning the much loved Ask Akron to Arts and Life.

As usual, these will still be provided completely by the student body of The University of Akron.  As long as I am Editor-In-Chief, we will not ever reach outside of our very capable students to provide material for the paper.  These new sections will start to appear in the Buchtelite one time per week each and are coming very soon.

Have anything else you'd like to see in the Buchtelite?  Be sure and let me know, we're always willing to see what we can do!

Have a swell day,


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Looking for Writers

Heather Beyer, Arts and Life Editor of the Buchtelite

The staff talks about a lot while we're working on the Buchtelite.

Mostly we talk about page design, how hungry we are, whether or not we like Lady Gaga's music and how badly we need more writers.

The writers we have are fantastic and are always appreciated, especially because so many of them are present in every issue we print.  Although we love the enthusiasm, many are getting tired.

With that being said, we're asking for help.  Any University of Akron student can write for us, no matter what your status.  We do not require writers to fill out applications, and being published will look great on any resume and with any major.  If you've got a point of view, you can be heard through the Buchtelite.

All I ask is that you try your hand and writing once.  There is no commitment to write past the first article.  Anyone interested can reach me at, or just leave a comment!

David Sickels

the Buchtelite

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Building a Better Buchtelite

My name is David Sickels, and this is my newspaper.  I took over as Editor-In-Chief of the Buchtelite at the beginning of the fall 2011 semester and am glad to have the opportunity to be the independent voice of the University of Akron.  I hope to use this blog to share with you some of the behind the scenes action that goes on while we’re producing the paper, share ideas with you and get feedback to improve what we’re doing.

The Buchtelite has some great changes that we’ve made (and are still in the process of making now) in order to report the best quality content we can to campus.  Some of these changes include a new editorial and business staff, creating new positions within the staff, a new newspaper design and a new website.

The print edition of the Buchtelite is released every Tuesday and Thursday, but you can catch up on University of Akron news at anytime by checking us out on

Talk with you soon!

David Sickels

The Buchtelite