Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Special Issues coming in the Buchtelite

Last April, the staff of the Buchtelite released their first ever Sex Issue.  This issue, although controversial, was extremely successful.  Our website received more page views than it ever had before, and emails (both praising and critical) poured into our inboxes.

With this in mind, we will have several "special" issues coming up.  Tomorrow (October 13) will be our first of two Halloween issues.  You can expect a second Halloween-themed issue on October 27.

The one I'm really excited about is our Tech issue (November 10).  We're hoping to make this issue extra-large.  We also want to really feature Akron technology.  This might include how professors are using technology in unique ways in their classrooms, technology that professors are developing or how Akron in general is using technology better.

Got any ideas for special issues we can do?  Or any ideas for our Tech issue?  Let me know!

Have a fantastic day!


1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of having "special" issues - I think it will encourage students who are not avid newspaper readers to pick up an issue because it'll feel more like a magazine with specialized content... for some, that might be the key in retaining readership.

    I have a fun idea for the paper... Why don't you have a "special" issue about the student organizations on campus? I know there are hundreds, but you could reach out to the leaders of the organizations and ask them to submit stories about their group. Being from a small, yet growing organization myself, I can see the many benefits of this (for both the orgs and the paper). If you get a lot of responses and interests, who knows, maybe it will turn into a weekly section in the paper??

    Just a suggestion... Keep up the good work over there :)
