Heather Beyer, Arts and Life Editor of the Buchtelite
The staff talks about a lot while we're working on the Buchtelite.
Mostly we talk about page design, how hungry we are, whether or not we like Lady Gaga's music and how badly we need more writers.
The writers we have are fantastic and are always appreciated, especially because so many of them are present in every issue we print. Although we love the enthusiasm, many are getting tired.
With that being said, we're asking for help. Any University of Akron student can write for us, no matter what your status. We do not require writers to fill out applications, and being published will look great on any resume and with any major. If you've got a point of view, you can be heard through the Buchtelite.
All I ask is that you try your hand and writing once. There is no commitment to write past the first article. Anyone interested can reach me at djs73@zips.uakron.edu, or just leave a comment!
David Sickels
the Buchtelite
Firstly, I am looking forward to following your blog about all the changes that are happening with the Buchtelite. Secondly, I wrote an article about university parking for our class. It would be very appropriate for the paper if you'd like to use it. I'll email it to you and let you decide.